Stone Soup

Following along with our rock study, Mrs. Pless led the class in a reenactment of  Stone Soup (here is a version similar to the one we read).  After reading the story, each child was given a bag of pre-chopped veggies.  Mrs. Pless played the part of “Jack”, the town visitor, and knocked at each child’s “door” to see if they had anything to add to the soup.  Eventually each child added their portion to the pot.  After some generous stirring, the pot was moved to the top of the loft, declared off-limits, and left to stew for the majority of the day.

We were quite excited to see that almost everyone was willing to try the soup.  Yet, the best part that all but two who tried it thought that it was delicious!  If you are interested in the recipe, it can be found here.