Happy Winter!

What a perfect day to ring in winter. With snow falling gently to the ground and a crisp wind sliding through the trees, we welcome the warmth of time indoors. Our two-week holiday begins today. We wanted to make sure that your children stay warm and toasty over the break, so we’ve sent home all of their winter belongings.

You’ll find snow pants, mittens, hats, scarves, and even rain boots in your child’s book bag. We thought you might need them for a holiday sledding session or snow person competition. Please be sure to return winter gear to school on January 7th.

Most importantly, may you and your family have a calm and pleasant holiday.

Boots, Mittens, Hats, Oh My!

You might have noticed that we sent home all of the rain coats and rain boots last week.  ‘Tis the season to switch our outer wear.

Please send in an extra pair of winter boots, snow gloves, a hat, and snow pants/overalls for us to keep at school.  We will go outside in the snow, slush, and mud.  It is important that every child have proper gear for the weather.

In fact, if you have the opportunity, please check to make sure that your child’s extra clothes box is fully stocked as well.  Cold , muddy clothes can be rather uncomfortable.

Winter Wear

Please remember that our Pre-K class, as well as all of the other grades here at WTN, goes outside everyday (barring heavy rain). As the winter weather rolls in, all children must have a hat and gloves to wear outside. We have the space here to store a “school set” if it would be easier for you to leave a full set in the classroom. Also, each child is required to have a separate pair of outdoor boots for daily wear. Muddy shoes are not allowed in the classroom since we spend most of our day sitting, crawling, playing, working, and lounging on the floor.  If your child is not wearing socks with his or her indoor shoes, please send in an extra pair to wear with their boots.

In addition, snow will be on its way soon.  Please send in a pair of snow pants or bibs to keep at school. We have separate hooks for these and will be wearing them when the frozen crystals start to accumulate.  Keep snow in mind when purchasing gloves for the season.  Fancy, fluffy gloves and mittens are fine for dry weather, but snow quickly makes wet, frozen fingers.  I suggest having your child try on gloves and mittens before you purchase them.  Often, gloves that seem  to be perfect for the weather are impossible for little fingers to navigate.  We do assist the children, but encourage them to practice dressing themselves for outside play.