A Message from Mr. Cooper

Dear friends and family,

This is a friendly reminder that all students are to wear athletic shoes for PE class. Many children have reported that they took their shoes home over the winter break. As we begin our basketball and volleyball units, proper footwear will help keep our classes injury free. For more information, please visit PE SHOES @ my blog.

Thank you for your assistance.


Stephen Cooper RN
WTN School Nurse / PE Dept.
Follow my blog @ wtcoopers.wordpress.com

The Mystery Egg Has Hatched!

Several weeks ago, our classroom became the new home to Silkworms, Painted Lady caterpillars, and a mystery egg. Slowly, the caterpillars grew and began to transform, while our mystery egg lay dormant. The students began to wonder what was inside the egg and if it would ever hatch!

Some students guessed a unicorn, caterpillar, or a tiny Evan would emerge from our egg. Mr. Cooper (P.E. teacher extraordinaire) suggested that perhaps it was just an old marshmallow. Several more weeks went by before our mystery guests decided to make an appearance. What was inside, you may ask? Praying Mantises, of course!

What an amazing world!



Check out Mr. Cooper’s site!

We are very excited to welcome Mr. Cooper to the blogosphere! I’ve added a link to his site on the right with my other links.  He has sections that explain the syllabus for each grade level, as well as pictures of each grade movin’ and groovin’.  You’ll find out more about his innovative plans for using the nature playground and our trail system to its full potential.  If you look to the link farthest on the right, you can read all about Mr. Cooper’s two most famous summer camps.