Letters, Naturally

This summer I spent  a weekend at Presque Isle with my close friend and our four boys.  While the boys were burying each other up to their necks in sand, I was sifting through the plethora of smooth stones lying at the water’s edge.

There were so many shapes and sizes, but the generally flat surfaces were the most intriguing aspect.  I meticulously gathered a little over 75 small flat stones over the course of the trip.  My goal was to create two sets of the alphabet for our class.  I found circular ones that would be perfect for lowercase rounded letters.  Slightly longer, ovoid rocks would serve for tall, thin lower and upper case letters.  The largest stones would be perfect for wide capitals.

My collection lived in one of the many buckets the children had been toting around. (Are you feeling the foreboding?)  While I was in the water with one of the boys, the others were back at the blanket, playing with trucks in the sand.  Upon returning to our encampment, I found the bucket I had been using emptied and now being used as a chair.  The littlest of our tribe had decided that the stones needed to be buried so pirates would not get them.

We spent the next 1/2 hour digging for “treasure”.

In the end, we made it back to Pittsburgh with enough stones for sets of capitals, lower-case letters, and zero to ten numerals.

We recently set our alphabet stones out on a side table to see what might happen.  As can be expected, the first words the children tried were familiar and important: their names.
2015-10-08 (1)And yet, we must not forget other important words in their lives.  Two boys were about to head out on an adventure with their families.  As I was walking by the stone table near lunch this is what I found.  One guess where they’re headed.


Letter Play

We believe so very strongly that our children learn best through the practice and exploration inherent in play.  We know that research supports young children’s need to informally experiment with ideas and new knowledge as they make connections with their current perspectives.  This view coats everything we plan and do in our Pre-K program.

Still we are pleasantly surprised each time we see it at work.  Below, you will find three separate instances of groups or individuals creating their own play centered around symbols of the alphabet.  Each is focusing on a different aspect such as form, function, and linear pattern.  All of these activities were initiated and sustained without teacher intervention. How lucky we are to see such involvement and cognitive development every day.

Singing the alphabet while matching magnet letters.
Yarn letter sculptures.

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/51209780]