Spanish Class Notes

Dear Pre-Kindergarten North Parent,

During the second trimester in Spanish class, we have solidified up to 10 different ways to express how we feel when we sing our good morning song, “Buenos Días”. Most of the students know to identify at least 10 colors, and how to count from 1- 15 in Spanish. We reviewed opposites and most students can name at least 3-4 pairs of opposites, especially when prompted by the opposite song, “Los Opuestos”. We studied the names of the members of a family, and we listened to Goldilocks and The Three Bears in Spanish. We also read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, and most of the students got to act out the story during class. At the present, we are using Eric Carle’s book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? to study the names of animals and use colors as adjectives to describe them. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Alicia Sewald